Contact Information: |
Full Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Company / Organization:
Existing URL:
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
Province / State: *
Postal Code: *
Country: *
Time Frame and Budget: *
What is the required (or desired) launch date? Is this launch fixed?
(We may charge a surcharge for rush jobs)
What is your budget? (We quote honestly, based on the time it will take us to do the job right. This will help us assess what can and cannot be accomplished.)
Scope of Project: * |
Can you give us a quick summary of the project?
Website Features: |
Content Management System
Newsletter Management
E Commerce
Shopping Cart
Photo Gallery
Flash Content
User Forum
Detailed Statistics
Search Functionality
Event Calendar |
If other, please specify...
Please list any specific sections your site requires
(ie home, about, contact, downloads, etc)
Extras |
Domain Name Purchase
Search Engine Optimization
Perception: * |
Describe a typical user coming to your site:
What is the primary "action" they should take:
(make a purchase, become a member, browse/search for information)
Style and Tone: *
Use a few adjectives to describe how the user should perceive the new site
(prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun)
Who are your competitors? Please list competitor URLs.
List websites that you find compelling and reasons why:
Additional Comments: